The cornerstones of our products are reliability, safety, ease-of-use and connectivity, positioning quality at the foremost of every product we develop and every interaction we conduct. From refrigeration; holding, steaming and toasting; and smallwares solutions, our products are chef-tested, quality approved.
Our products inspire modern kitchens to achieve innovative goals:
We inspire menu variety with products that help improve efficiency with mass customization.
We spearhead operational efficiency by slicing labor costs, increasing safety and delivering products that reduce overall kitchen space needs.
We connect your kitchen staff through equipment that utilizes that latest technology, including mobile programming, smart phone-enabled monitoring and social media engagement.
Contact Toaster – Slim Line
Henny Penny | Nouva Siomonelli |
Princ Castle | Pavesi |
AyrKing | Sencotel |
Blendtec | Toastmaster |
Lincoln | Nieco |
Manitowoc | True |